01 déc AIR on air! An online symposium dedicated to Artist in residence under the pandemic from Japan to Europe! AIR on air オンラインシンポジウム

Villa Kujoyama, Villa Kamogawa, Kyoto Art Center, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands supported by AIR Network Japan and AIR_J organize the online conference ‘AIR on air’ about the state of affairs in the Artist in Residence (AIR) sectors in France, Germany and the Netherlands after almost one year since the outbreak of COVID-19.
The main issues of the conference are how institutes in Europe are coping, what strategies are they applying to move forward and whether our views on the future of AIR and international cooperation have changed? This conference is not a one-way street: we will present you the situation in Europe and beyond while also referring to the situation in Japan through the participation of speakers in Japan.
This conference has for aim to promote the bonds between the sectors in our four countries, so please join us online on ZOOM only for presentations and discussions with speakers from France, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands and other countries on Friday 11 and Saturday 12 December.
How to attend the online symposium on December, Friday 11th and Saturday 12th?
This online Zoom webinar is free and will be contucted into Japanese / English (Simultaneous Interpretation)
⬇ Please register yourself for each session you would like to attend ⬇
Opening Session: AIR status quo in Europe and Japan
Friday, 11 December 2020
19:00-20:30 Japan Standard Time
11:00 – 12:30 European Local Time (+1)
Opening Session: AIR on air – status quo in Europe and Japan
Opening remarks by the organizers centered around the theme of how COVID-19 influenced the AIR sectors in Europe and Japan as well as key-notes by two specialists on the status quo in the sectors in Japan and Europe.
Concluded by a Q&A with questions from the audience moderated by the symposium’s moderator Jun’ichiro Ishii.
– Wolf Iro, head of Culture, Goethe-Institut Munich (Germany)
– Fanny Rolland, responsible of the residencies, Department Development et partnerships, Institut français (France)
– Nobuyuki Kitamura, Supervising Director of Culture and Art Affairs, City of Kyoto (Japan)
– Theo Peters, minister plenipotentiary, Embassy of the Kingdom in the Netherland in Tokyo (Japan/NL)
– Pascal Brunet, director, Relais Culture Europe (France)
– Mami Odai, vice director, AIR Network Japan, AIR director of Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio (Japan)
– Yuki Asakura, researcher, Policy research, Headquarters for Vitalizing Regional Cultures, Agency of Cultural Affairs Japan
Introduction & Session 1: AIR strategies in times of COVID-19
Saturday 12 December
12:15-12:30 Japan Standard Time
04:15-04:30 European Local Time (+1)
Introduction of program by organizers
Introduction of proceedings by moderator Jun’ichiro Ishii and observer Teiko Hinuma (AIR Network Japan)
Saturday 12 December
12:30-14:00 Japan Standard Time
04:30-06:00 European Local Time (+1)
How did the AIR field react to the COVID-19 outbreak? What are new strategies and formats for residencies?
– Bénédicte Alliot, general director of Cité internationale des arts (France)
– Claus Heimes, director of bangaloREsidency, Goethe-Institut Bangalore (Germany/India)
– Mami Odai, vice director, AIR Network Japan, AIR director of Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio (Japan)
– Izumi Sakamoto, director, AIRY (Japan)
– Miriam Wistreich, creative director, Hotel Maria Kapel (NL)
Session 2: Artists’ experiences and views on AIR in the pandemic
Saturday 12 December
14:30-16:00 Japan Standard Time
6:30 – 8:00 European Local Time (+1)
In what way have artists experienced their participation in residencies after the outbreak, with a special focus on the so-called ‘online residencies’ that have emerged as a reaction on the travel restrictions? How do they view the emergence of new residency forms?
– Lea Letzel, artist (Germany)
– Eric Minh Cuong Castaing, choreographer (France)
– Willy Wong & Floor Hofman, artists participating in Paradise AIR (NL/Japan)
– Taro Yasuno, artist (Japan)
More to be confirmed
Session 3: AIR affecting change & closing session
Saturday 12 December
16:30-18:00 Japan Standard Time
8:30 – 10:00 European Local Time (+1)
How can AIR contribute to positive changes in their sector and beyond in society?
– Pia Entenmann, Tarabya Cultural Academy, Goethe-Institut Istanbul (Germany/Turkey)
– Daisuke Kuroda, Tsushima Art Fantasia (Japan)
– Sandrina Martins, general director, Le Carreau du Temple (France)
– Heidi Vogels, DutchCulture I TransArtists (NL)
More to be confirmed
Saturday 12 December
18:00-18:30 Japan Standard Time
10:00 – 10:30 European Local Time (+1)
Closing session
Observer Teiko Hinuma will discuss her observations and findings of the conference.
Closing words by Akira Tatehata, director of Kyoto Art Center.
Villa Kujoyama, Goethe-Institut Villa Kamogawa, Kyoto Art Center, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
Supported by:
AIR Network Japan, AIR_J
Villa Kujoyama – Satsuki Konoike
Goethe-Institut Villa Kamogawa – Junko Yamaoka
Kyoto Art Center – Mami Katsuya
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands – Bas Valckx
Personal information (name, e-mail address, etc.) entered for the registration for each session of the « AIR on air » symposium will be strictly controlled by the organizers (Villa Kujoyama, Villa Kamogawa, Kyoto Art Center, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands), and will be used for the purpose of providing information about services related to this symposium and other events by organizers. If you do not want to receive information about services related to this symposium and other events by organizers, please notify (Ms.) Satsuki KONOIKE